Radiant Hearts is an online multimedia program aimed at helping families with young children learn Baha’i prayers, memorize short quotations from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, and study spiritual qualities together.
The program consists of 19 lessons, one for each of the Baha’i months. Each lesson focuses on a spiritual quality, and consists of a prayer and a quotation set to music, two songs, and 19 simple activities (including printables) for each day of the month. Activities are geared to children four and under, will last from five to ten minutes, and require only very basic materials that they probably already have at home.
There is also a shortened lesson for the period of Ayyam-i-Ha.
First you will want to download the Introduction. You can also go through the Online Introduction Series by clicking here.
Then locate the Online Lesson you would like to start with, and print out the two documents necessary – the “Basic Lesson” and the “Printables.” After that you can use the supplementary resources and examples on the page to get more ideas.
Note: To save a document, right click and select “Save Link As.”
Online Lessons
Cleanliness Courage Courtesy Forgiveness Friendliness
Generosity Gentleness Helpfulness Joyfulness Kindness
Love Obedience Patience Peacefulness Responsibility
Service Thankfulness Truthfulness Unity Ayyam-i-Ha
Watch this video to find out more and see what Radiant Hearts may look like in action:
Other Helpful Documents
Radiant Hearts Book Cover Page
The Radiant Hearts Music page gives an overview of all the CDs used in the program.
The Virtue Library shares storybook recommendations for each lesson.
The Lesson Posters offer PDF summaries of each lesson which can be used in a variety of ways – check out the page for more details.
Visit our Calendar Page to download the Radiant Hearts Calendars.
How can Radiant Hearts extend beyond the home?
As we learn the words of Baha’u’llah and try to live by His teachings, we are no doubt moved to perform acts of service for our community. Therefore Radiant Hearts was designed to pave the way for three specific acts of service:
- Teaching
- Hosting a Devotional Program
- Sharing Radiant Hearts with Other Children (Playgroups and Preschool classes)
Go to this page for details and more resources for these service opportunities.
Support Radiant Hearts
Radiant Hearts is free however we will be renewing our website’s membership option soon so that people can support our efforts. Please contact thetwomoms@enablemetogrow.com if you want to help us.
Have more questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.
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Please Note
We would like to reiterate that the Radiant Hearts program is simply an individual initiative and should not be considered an official Baha’i resource. As Radiant Hearts has been created in a “learning mode” we would very much welcome your feedback or questions at any time. Feel free to contact us at: thetwomoms@enablemetogrow.com
Radiant Hearts is an online multimedia program aimed at helping families with young children learn Baha’i prayers, memorize short quotations from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, and study spiritual qualities together. Join our Facebook page for updates of Radiant Hearts news.